The holidays are fast approaching so here are the important dates:-
Last lesson day: Saturday June 29th.
Working Bee: Saturday July 6th from 9am. Any assistance to pull down electric fencing, clean out the hay shed, move horses off-site, pack away equipment, and generally prepare the centre for the Samford Show would be much appreciated.
Samford Show: Saturday/Sunday July 13 & 14th. We will be having an information stand, selling raffle tickets, and also running the sweeps on the Pig Racing, as per usual. If you'd like to help out, please email Jane on
Working Bee/s: Saturday July 20th from 9am. What comes down must go back up! Assistance required to re-instate the electric fences, clean up the paddocks post-Show for the horses' return, and prepare for the new riding term. This may need to extend into Sunday, depending on how many helpers we have.
Term 3 Lessons begin: - Tuesday July 23rd - Wednesday 24th, - Friday 26th - Saturday 27th
