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Become a Coach

Become an accredited RDA coach

Become an accredited coach with Samford RDA and develop a career that will make a difference in the lives of others. All lessons at Samford RDA are conducted under the supervision of an accredited Centre Coach. 


You can apply to become an Assistant Coach from the age of 15 and must be 16 years of age before completing the qualification. The Assistant coach course is designed for committed volunteers to develop skills and knowledge to support the RDA Centre Coach to deliver group lessons that are safe and free-flowing in an enclosed area. It provides an introduction to teaching foundation riding skills, an awareness of adaptive coaching for people with disabilities, and best practice horse handling and horse management skills.


A Centre Coach course is designed for candidates with a foundation knowledge of horse riding skills, experience working safely around horses, aptitude for coaching and working with people with disabilities, and a demonstrated ability to work within and lead teams. Applicants for Centre Coach must be over 16 years of age and 18 years of age before completing the qualification. They must also be able to demonstrate horse riding skills at Walk, Trot, and Canter.

Advanced coaching courses are also available through the Coach Development Framework.


If you are interested in becoming an accredited RDA Coach please contact your local RDA Centre or State Coaching Coordinator. If you have an existing coach qualification, it may be transferrable to the RDA coaching qualification and additional information regarding Recognition of Prior Learning is available from RDA Australia.


If you would like to join our coaching team, please call Samford RDA at 0458 246 883 or email

"I have a great time every time I volunteer with riding lessons. I love spending time with the horses and seeing the joy on the rider's faces. It is totally worth it! I encourage everyone to come out and volunteer at RDA".

“On my first day with Samford RDA I was thrown in and I loved it. Three years later, I am so proud of our riders and I am always impressed with how determined they are. I see improvements and achievements every week and I am also learning new things. I enjoy the friendships that I have made with the riders, their families and the other volunteers. We have a fun and supportive community and I love being a part of that. And I enjoy coming home smelling like horse every Saturday afternoon!”

“I volunteer because of the horses and the kids. I keep coming back to see the smiles on the kids’ faces and hear the laughs”.

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